Giving to First Congregational Church of Wareham

Thank you for donating to our church. Without your support, it wouldn’t be possible to make a positive impact in our community through spreading the Gospel and missions outreach. Learn more about how we use your gift and ways to give.

Donate by Mail or through Electronic Fund Transfer-ACH transfer from your bank account.

Send Pledges to First Congregational Church of Wareham, 11 Gibbs Avenue, Wareham, MA 02671.

Please indicate on the Memo line if you would like to designate your gift to a specific fund:

  • General Fund
  • Benevolence Fund
  • Mission & Outreach
  • Scholarship Fund
  • Memorial Fund

Sunday Morning Worship
You may place your offering in the offering plate during worship.

Volunteer your talents and time
There are many ways to serve the church and community

Honor someone special in your life. We are very sorry for your loss and pray that their soul and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. One way to remember your loved one is by making a Memorial gift to honor your loved one. Your gifts can be an essential source of funds to allow FCC Wareham to feed hungry children and provide school supplies, formula, diapers, period supplies, and other necessities to our neighbors far and near. If you would like to direct your family, friends, and colleagues to make gifts to FCC Wareham in memory of your loved one, please make gifts to First Congregational Church of Wareham at: 11 Gibbs Avenue Wareham, MA 02571

OCWM Basic support enables associations, conferences, the national setting, and some of our affiliated partners to continue providing the care and services that are vital to the United Church of Christ. OCWM Basic support is generally given at local churches, where the funds are then sent to their associations and conferences before being forwarded to the national offices in Cleveland. (Individual donors are encouraged to give through their local churches for Our Church’s Wider Mission Basic Support)

Strengthen the Church is a special mission offering to reimagine and build the future of the UCC. Shared at the conference and national levels, STC largely supports youth ministries and full-time leaders for new churches in parts of the country where the UCC does not have a strong presence. It also provides support for existing church’s new initiatives.

One Great Hour of Sharing (OGHS) works with international partners to provide sources of clean water, food, education and health care, small business micro-credit, advocacy and resettlement for refugees and displaced persons and emergency relief and rehabilitation. OGHS also supports domestic and international ministries for disaster preparedness and response.

Neighbors in Need supports ministries of justice and compassion throughout the United States, including the Council for American Indian Ministries (CAIM), justice and advocacy, and direct service projects supported by Justice and Local Church Ministries.

This offering is received on First Sunday of October as part of World Communion Sunday.

The Christmas Fund for the Veterans of the Cross and the Emergency Fund is a Special Mission Offering that congregations have been supporting for over 100 years. The offering is administered through the United Church Board for Ministerial Assistance, the charitable arm of the Pension Boards. Funds provide direct financial support to those who serve the church and are facing financial difficulties. Active and retired clergy, lay employees, and their surviving spouses may be eligible for the Supplementation of Small Annuities, Supplementation of Health Premiums, Emergency Grants, and/or Christmas “Thank You” Gift Checks. This offering is received on the Sunday before Christmas.

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